Queer Christmas Tree Decorating Hack You'll Never Stop Doing
Queer Christmas Tree Decorating Hack You'll Never Stop Doing

Michael Dru Kelley
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Queer Christmas Tree Decorating Hack You'll Never Stop Doing
While Sam Walter is known as a loyal, quiet friend, he, along with fiancé, beauty and fashion expert Marcus Hoey, are also known to be among the most creative of their friends and neighbors in the LGBTQ+ haven of Provincetown (MA). Walter has creative roots and artistry as a former project manager for H&M turned current antique window restoration expert on Cape Cod. It's his display of the couple's Christmas tree in the window of their cute-as-a-button cottage in the center of town on Bradford Street that has friends amazed and those strolling by snapping pictures! And, you can have Walter's Christmas tree hack that many are surprised no one thought of before now!
Walter explains that he has many beautiful ornaments to display--some handed down from several generations and a few from the World War II era with cardboard hooks because metal was rationed for war efforts. And, as a result, he was not satisfied with the traditional lighting of stringing multi-colored lights on the outside only part of the tree leaving most of the ornaments placed in the interior in the dark! So, he created this little hack that we can all use!
Walter described his Christmas Tree decorating hack, "I wanted to give light to the entire tree from inside out. So, I began to mush together multi-color light strands set on twinkling and white light strands set on constant or fixed always on strands. With the combined strands, I line the interior of the tree, and trunk and wrap every branch until completely covered." This retail level of lighting will brightly display all ornaments from the inside out with equal, bright white light. Walter continued, "Then, I start to carefully place all of my ornaments along all parts of each branch not just at the end. Finish with a simple garland that reflects light, such as glass bead garland, and just like that, you too can have a beautiful display all seem to enjoy.
Hoey, Sam's fiancé, said Walter has the patience of a Saint as it took him "more than 8 hours" to meticulously decorate the tree, but what queer person is scared off by a little work for such incredible beauty? Walter does acknowledge that you can tone down the lights coverage for safety, time and preference. While we don't think it needs to take this long, you can give this Christmas tree decorating hack a try and pretty sure, you'll never go back. Merry merry!