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POLL: Getting to the Bottom of 'Butch-Phobia'

POLL: Getting to the Bottom of 'Butch-Phobia'

POLL: Getting to the Bottom of 'Butch-Phobia'

Does not being attracted to butch women qualify as 'butchphobia?"

For those of you who know me from YouTube, you know that my videos tend to get heated discussions going. My tendency to ask questions as gotten me called many things--"transphobic" "biphobic" "transmisogynistic." But "butchphobic" is a new one, something I was called because I date more femme women. And it actually got me thinking. Would you ever call a butch women, who only dated femmes, 'butchphobic?' Is it more likely that you'll hear a straight woman call a gay man a "woman hater," or a straight man call a lesbian a "man hater?" I've also never heard anyone being called "femme-phobic." 


Since I'm curious to see what could be at the bottom of all of this  I have a lovely poll down below for you guys to fill out. Let me know your other thoughts as well! Expect a video on this topic soon!

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Arielle Scarcella