Chicago lesbian couple Connie Pare and Jessica Shagena have made it to the final four couples in Eleven Eleven Wedding’s dream wedding giveaway contest -- first year the company has invited same-sex couples to participate.
The annual contest for couples in Chicago provides the winners with their dream wedding. Couples who entered the contest were narrowed down to the top ten. The public was then able to vote for their favorite to separate out the top three final couples. This year, at the time of the final tally, two of the top couples were “in a statistical dead heat,” according to Eleven Eleven, so the contest’s sponsors opted to have a fourth finalist.
Now the four couples will meet with Eleven Eleven for video interviews, and the winner will be announced May 8th at a live reveal party hosted by Nellcote.
Pare and Shagena must wait to find out if they have won the wedding of their dreams. “We would love to show the city of Chicago how strong the love and support for marriage equality truly is,” Shagena said in a statement after finding out she and Pare made the top ten.
Read more about how Pare and Shagena met, and their story as a couple, on the Eleven Eleven Wedding website.
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