A lesbian Army captain dancing with her girlfriend at a military ball last weekend was shoved by her command sergeant major and told that she is an "abomination" at the event, according to the,Huffington Post.
Author A.J. Walkley reports that an unnamed captain took to Facebook to tell others about the altercation. When the command sergeant major told the two women to get off the dance floor, the lesbian captain reminded him that "don't ask, don't tell" had been repealed for months. He replied that they were an "abomination" and a "disgrace," and continued to chew her out. She said she remained calm, but when she told him that his words were out of line, he shoved her hard across the dance floor.
The following day, the command sergeant major called the captain's girlfriend to apologize, and say that he accepts them being gay, and that the incident was a "misunderstanding."
The lesbian captain, however, has filed a report with the military police, despite the command sergeant major's pleas to move on past the incident.
"I'm not going to let it go because if I do, then that sends the message that it's okay for anyone to assault LGBT servicemen and women," she said according to Huffington Post.
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