Last week's Saturday Night Live opened with a sketch tearing the Town Hall presidential debate apart and, while there's plenty of guffaws to be had, not everyone was a fan. In fact, Trump himself took to Twitter (because of course he did) to not only disavow Alex Baldwin's performance, but demand SNL be cancelled completely. Looks like someone's a sore loser.
Since Donald hates this video so much, it's pretty clear that we have a great time reliving the excruciating experience that was the Town Hall debate through the SNL lense. There's plenty of fun to be had here, with jabs at Trump's shark-like looming, an appearence media superstar-turned-pariah Ken Bone, and plenty of Hillary gags we can get on board with. Watch the madness here:
We can't wait to see what SNL has in store for us leading up to the election, since we're pretty sure Trumpity Trump's little tantrum won't make much of a dent in their future. We support you, Saturday Night Live!