Not even 24 hours after the announcement of Evan Rachel Wood's impending divorce from Jamie Bell, media outlets are linking Wood to fellow actor Michelle Rodriguez. Both women openly identify as bisexual — but according to Wood's Twitter account, that's as close to being together as they've ever been.
After Wood and Rodriguez both attended "An Evening With Women" benefitting the Los Angeles LGBT Center earlier this month, an "anonymous source" claimed that the two women went home together. Here's what Wood had to say about that:
Wood is understandably upset, calling this "journalism at its lowest" and "disgusting."
The baseless connection of the two bisexual actors is just another incident of the sexualization of bisexual women — and Wood isn't afraid to call it out.
"Just because you are in a photo with someone doesn’t mean you spoke or slept together," she tweeted today.
Rodriguez hasn't addressed the rumors — which makes sense, since she's been romantically linked to model Carla Delevigne.
Ironically, the event that Wood and Rodriguez both attended, an annual fundraiser for the L.A. LGBT Center, was intended to empower women.