Set in Birmingham, Alabama, the film State & Union follows the lives of several lesbian families as they cope with living in a state that provides their families no legal protections. In a time that has seen equality become the ‘norm’ in many parts of the country, and a sea change in public opinion- on the books in Alabama, there has been no shift at all. Historically, these circumstances have made it very difficult for people to live comfortably ‘out’ in the Deep South, but these families have chosen to tell their stories.
Check out the crowd funding page for more information about this film in progress.
Teaser from UAB Documentary on Vimeo.
The following photos are images from the film, State & Union.
Carol and Anne
An Alabama bride shows off her wedding dress.
Anna and Hanne (not pictured) celebrate their son Amon's birthday at home with his grandparents
Perry and Katherine discuss filing taxes in a state that doesn't recognize their marriage.
A participant from the Living in Limbo exhibition in front of her family portrait.
Representative Patricia Todd, Alabama's first out lawmaker, speaks at a reelection campaign event.
Ellen and Ann with daughter Emmy at their wedding, the first same-sex ceremony for their baptist church.
Coya and AJ navigate having a baby.
Fran and Kiki
Amon on his birthday.