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10 Amazing Ways to Have the Gayest Beach Day Ever

10 Amazing Ways to Have the Gayest Beach Day Ever

10 Amazing Ways to Have the Gayest Beach Day Ever

Gay as in happy! And also quite queer.


Summertime is here, and things are heating up! Maybe a little too much some might say, but hey, it's summertime and we should all really start taking advantage of these glorious sunshiny days because before we know it, it'll be August and we'll have to start thinking about the school year and the fall and then the winter and how cold those things get, and that should make us all want to celebrate summer even more right now! So don't let these dog days fly by before your eyes without taking in a beach day or two. It's imperative you enjoy yourself this summer, and it's also imperative that you have as gloriously gay a time as possible. Because what's a beach day without the Indigo Girls? 


10. Pick some hella choice tunes for your drive!

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We suggest the entire discographies of Tegan & Sara and/or the Indigo Girls. Or just "Ring of Keys" from Fun Home on a loop.


9. Remember to pack your sunscreen!

We don't have any particularly specific things to say about this one. Just that to stay as gay as possible you need to keep your skin as safe as possible and, for that, sun screen is a must.  


8. Bring wine. 

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Lana Del Rey is convinced it's the way to go, and so are we. 


7. Re-enact the "Are You Hot For Girls?" quiz (it's 100%) Ashley gave Spencer on a beach in South of Nowhere.

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Except we'd totally accept Thirteen over Blue Crush. Evan Rachel Would too, we bet.


6. Lacking in beach day companions? Take your cat!

Little known fact about cats (because it's not true)? They love the beach! Warning: You may/most definitely will lose your cat if you take it to the beach, so consider either not taking a cat or taking a cat that's been pretty bitchy to you since you got it.


5. Forgot to pack a picnic blanket? DIY by weaving together flannels you've collected in your trunk!

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Because we all know queer women keep a wide variety of flannels in their trunk. Whether they know it or not...


4. Exercise caution if you see a beached whale or dolphin that needs help.

And don't worry, there's a detailed guide to helping you out with this one. Just you wait. You really can't be sure when aquatic life might be in your hands.


3. Pick a beach that has a pre-set volleyball net.

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Having to set up your own can be exhausting. Also, consider playing against another random team on the beach and sparking up a potentially romantic conversation with their best player. Your friends will forgive you for abandoning them for your volleyball dream girl if need be. 


2. Bring something fun to read!

If you're not having a tryst with a beach volleyball star, you'll need to pass the time somehow. Fun Home, the graphic novel about Alison Bechdel's life, is a fresh and endlessly emotional read that will only take the time you need to tan to start and finish. It will also perfectly compliment that "Ring of Keys" loop you'll be playing on the way back home. 


1. Have fun!

Remember when we said this was all about having a gay time in every sense of the word? Above all, that's most important. Have a peaceful, relaxing blast, everyone! And maybe a tryst with a sexy volleyball player. Maybe that too.

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