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5 Reasons Travel Sex Is The Worst

5 Reasons Travel Sex Is The Worst

5 Reasons Travel Sex Is The Worst


Traveling is one of the most fun things to do. Ever. At least for many people (if their Tinder bios are to be believed). Even if you don't have the funds to jetset to Europe every few months, a simple road trip or a weekend getaway can recharge and refresh you, especially when traveling with a significant other ... assuming you are travel-compatible (which, is, like, a must, right?).

But one thing that isn't always so great while on your trekking adventures? Sex.

1. Because food.

When you're on the road, you're grabbing gas station or airport snacks, snagging some fast food or indulging in delicious local foods at amazingly cute restaurants. And your stomach's probably not used to it. And an upset stomach ... well, you know.

Don't Try It

2. Because exhaustion.

Three museums, a walking tour of downtown and a late-night show — and that's just day one! Relaxing your tired feet and spooning your hotel pillow often uses the last bit of energy you have. Getting around to getting it up just might not be in the cards.


3. Because alcohol.

You're out of town, partying it up — there's no reason to say no to that extra shot! Or seven. While there are certainly some who excel at the blackout get-down, whisky dick is, actually, a thing.


4. Because pressure.

Pressure to perform is the bane of many a boner. And when you're in a fancy hotel, or finished with a romantic meal, getting intimate seems like the logical thing to do. But unless you just let it happen, the pressure of travel sex just may be enough to kill the mood.


5. Because ... well, maybe it's not all bad.

So sure, you're tired, drunk, gassy and not feelin' it. But you're traveling with someone you love, so go with the flow. If you know each other well enough, you'll know when it's right to head down to Funkytown and when it's better to cuddle with your food babies and prepare for another day of adventuring.



#Positivity makes everyday a good day. Amiright? #gay

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So, happy traveling — and good luck with the sex!

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Dustin Diehl

Dustin loves writing, reading, and movies, and is basically a cat lady. He's passionate about travel, but most of all, he's obsessed with a little space opera called Star Wars.

Dustin loves writing, reading, and movies, and is basically a cat lady. He's passionate about travel, but most of all, he's obsessed with a little space opera called Star Wars.