Even the Independents and the GOP were embarrassed by much of what went on during the recent Teabagging protests. I am trying to keep a sense of humor about what looks like a lot of racism and the desire of a bunch of morons to revive the Confederacy. While I love a good grassroots campaign, it’s kind of hard to take the teabagger protests seriously when they were so heavily populated by far right wing nuts who don’t mind embarrassing themselves.
The very protesters who were attacking Obama’s policies are the people benefiting from the administration’s tax plans. We all know things are dire, but King George the III isn’t actually oppressing his colonial subjects. Their claim of "no taxation with representation" shows they didn’t get what the original Boston Tea Party was.
From the Boston Tea Party Ships and Museum website:
“On May 10, 1773, the British parliament authorized the East India Co., which faced bankruptcy due to corruption and mismanagement, to export a half a million pounds of tea to the American colonies for the purpose of selling it without imposing upon the company the usual duties and tariffs. With these privileges, the company could undersell American merchants and monopolize the colonial tea trade.”
After that went down, the colonists finally got sick of being screwed by England. They wanted to sell their own damn tea and gain independence, so they protested by dumping tea in the Boston harbor. And so a revolution got started. Hello, at least do a Wikipedia search or watch an old School House Rock on Youtube before you start mucking up history.
I can’t see any reason to criticize this administration before we’ve even given it a chance. The fact is that the Obama administration hasn’t raised taxes at all in the three months they’ve been in charge. They have in fact lowered the tax burden on the working families and people who need it most. Thanks to President Obama and Democrats in Congress, the people protesting have all gotten tax cuts.
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I am all for looking closely at the government and those who affect our livelihood and well-being. But if you look at pictures of the teabagging protest signs you’ll be shocked by the overtly racist tone so many protesters took. They didn’t even make sense. It wasn’t about policy! It was about hating things that are different from them. There were signs comparing Obama to Hitler and claiming they were victims of “white slavery.” There were dozens of pictures of little kids holding signs with racist slogans. Way to go guys, teach your kids to be awful. Start them young. Why not just pull them all out of school too so we can raise a whole new crop of complete losers.
Wonkette ran a picture of a sign this morning that read “Vote NO on national Healthcare. Do you want Barney Frank doing your colonoscopy?” Last time I checked Barney Frank was Chairman of the House Financial Services Committee and not an internist. That’s not very well thought out. Sounds like someone was thinking a little to hard about getting fingers up their butt. Come on, if you are going to be a jerk at least try to be on point or funny. And anyway why are these guys making gay jokes when they are calling themselves teabaggers! They aren’t even in on the biggest gay joke of all time! At least all the irony has been fun. Thanks, crazies for giving me a big gay laugh.
I sent a twitter message out with a link to some of the worst examples of racist signs and I got a comment from guy mad at me for saying the protesters were racist. He claimed it was the same as homophobes attacking gays. I don’t see the parallel. Am I missing something?
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