How That Girl Power Moment in Avengers: Endgame Actually Failed
How That Girl Power Moment in 'Avengers: Endgame' Actually Failed
Was it empowering? Or was it all performative?
Warning! There are major Avengers: Endgame spoilers throughout this post! You've been warned!
For those of us who have already seen Marvel Studios' hugely popular Avengers: Endgame film, one of the many moments that definitely caught our attention was when the MCU's badass women (like Captain Marvel, Valkyrie, Scarlet Witch, Wasp, and Okoye, just to name a few) all shared some epic screentime together.
But as cool as that scene was on the surface, was it really all that empowering, especially when you consider the ways the MCU has treated its female characters in the past? Or was it all just one big performative moment of pandering?
Watch PRIDE's Jessie Gender break it all down in the latest episode of Nerd Out! And for more nerdy goodness, check out more episodes of Nerd Out here!