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This Awesome Cis Ally Just Shut Down a Walmart Transphobe

This Awesome Cis Ally Just Shut Down a Walmart Transphobe

This Awesome Cis Ally Just Shut Down a Walmart Transphobe

The Potty Police is on the prowl.


Well, it was only a matter of time before something like this happened.

With some states and their politicians all in a tizzy about who uses what bathroom, transphobes are on high alert when it comes to the ol' W.C. (that's "water closet" for those of us who are less British-ly inclined).

So leave it to some Walmart bathroom vigilante to swoop in with her own personal brand of "justice," only to make a complete fool out of herself (as if policing the Walmart bathrooms wasn't foolish enough).

22-year-old Aimée Toms was minding her own business when this transphobic toilet troller rudely asked her to leave, called her "disgusting" and stormed away.

It took her a minute, but Toms quickly realized why she was asked to leave — the potty policewoman thought she was transgender. Why? Because she has short hair.

The whole thing sounds as asinine as it is, and lucky for us, Aimée recounts the entire ordeal in her very articulate (and now very viral) Facebook video:

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Dustin Diehl

Dustin loves writing, reading, and movies, and is basically a cat lady. He's passionate about travel, but most of all, he's obsessed with a little space opera called Star Wars.

Dustin loves writing, reading, and movies, and is basically a cat lady. He's passionate about travel, but most of all, he's obsessed with a little space opera called Star Wars.