Here are the two latest episodes of Sasamekikoto, the new Japanese lesbian anime from Sasamekikoto is a comedy-drama that explores many of the common tropes of the "Girls Love," or "Yuri," genre. Sasamekikoto is running on Japanese TV right now and we are pleased to share it with SheWired readers!
Episode 10: Accidents in Summer
While the Girls’ Club is headed to the beach for their summer camp, Sumika ended up helping Azusa in creating the fanzine. Sumika’s body is helping with making the fanzine, though all she can think about is spending time with Ushio. Suddenly, Sumika comes up with an excuse that she had agreed to help Azusa make the fanzine, though did not promise to go along with her to the book sale. With that in mind, Sumika tries to finish making the fanzine to join the others at camp. With the overwhelming workload and Azusa’s hopes and excitement that Sumika will join her at the book sale, Sumika starts feeling guilty.
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Miss the first few episodes? Watch episode one, two and three, four, five and six, seven, eight and nine to catch up!
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