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Let's Buy #EverythingAtTarget In Response to a Conservative Transphobic Boycott

Let's Buy #EverythingAtTarget In Response to a Conservative Transphobic Boycott

Let's Buy #EverythingAtTarget In Response to a Conservative Transphobic Boycott

We're fighting back against the nonsense "Anywhere But Target" movement with our own hashtag, #EverythingAtTarget.


Do you need an excuse to go on a Target shopping spree? Look no further than a new, bizarrely aggressive conservative movement that's trying to get you to shop anywhere but the big red bullseye. The website has surfaced, denouncing the company's "dangerous social agenda" (in that exact typeface), mostly because the company refuses to rescind its policy of allowing customers and employees to use the bathroom that matches their gender identity. In fact, not only has the company stood by it, it's expanded it to a third bathroom that customers can lock for privacy. High five, Target. Who knew we could love you more?

Anywhere But Target states, "It’s time to make Target understand that there are consequences for supporting a radical movement that is determined to redefine marriage, gender, and, ultimately, the 1st Amendment," and, hey, we couldn't agree more. Transphobic, exclusionary policies like this are redefining the standard of equality America should be striving for and - in the face of immense, Trump-sized setbacks - there's never been a better time to do all your holiday shopping at an establishment these folks hate with a passion. I mean, how offensive is this commercial? It reeks of "radical agenda." Shameless.

Now, find your local Target, share the #EverythingAtTarget love on social media, and let's love "liberal assault on common sense and decency" up to the fullest! Happy holidays to us all!

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