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Celebratory Gay Marriage Sculpture Vandalized at LA Museum

A sculpture celebrating gay marriage was vandalized Tuesday at the Craft and Folk Art Museum in Los Angeles. A day before Prop. 8 was struck down, artist Sharon Tibbles's found-art sculpture of a wedding cake topped with two grooms was damaged by a mystery museum attendee.

A sculpture celebrating gay marriage was vandalized Tuesday at the Craft and Folk Art Museum in Los Angeles.

A day before Prop. 8 was struck down, artist Sharon Tibbles's found-art sculpture of a wedding cake topped with two grooms was damaged by a mystery museum attendee.

“The two [cake groomsmen] were unfortunately torn off and thrown about the gallery along with some other embellishments,” Eilen Stewart, the museum's exhibitions and publicity coordinator, told the Los Angeles Times. “Whether this was done by someone who had heard that the judge’s ruling was coming or someone who was just expressing their anger, we don’t know."

There's no security camera footage, so it may be difficult to catch the vandal. A group of high school students visited the museum that day, but Stewart was reluctant to accuse a teenager of the crime. The cake is heading back to Tibbles with hopes of it being repaired before the “Some Assembly Required: Race, Gender and Globalization" show closes September 12.

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