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Greenpeace's Radical Trump Protest Is Making Today a Little Better

Greenpeace's Radical Trump Protest Is Making Today a Little Better

Greenpeace's Radical Trump Protest Is Making Today a Little Better

We're taking this presidency one day at a time, and Greenpeace just made today a slightly more tolerable one.


Greenpeace just took peaceful protesting to new heights - literally. Seven Greenpeace protesters took on a 270-foot crane located near the White House on Wednesday morning to unfurl a bold orange and yellow banner that only reads "Resist," details. And this isn't just some Greenpeace members going rogue, it's an actual movement from a continued Trump protest by the environmental organization that's being updated on Twitter and Facebook Live. Here's an official statement from activist and Greenpeace Inc. Board Chair Karen Topakian:

“People in this country are ready to resist and rise up in ways they have never done before. While Trump’s disdain and disrespect for our democratic institutions scare me, I am so inspired by the multigenerational movement of progress that is growing in every state. Greenpeace has used nonviolence to resist tyrannical bullies since 1971, and we’re not going to stop now.”


Pearl Robinson, one of the activists who helped blazon the 70-foot by 35-foot banner across the blue skies of DC, also shared a passionate statement about what drove the decision:

"The sun has risen this morning on a new America, but it isn’t Donald Trump’s,” Robinson stated. "I fear not only the policies of the incoming administration, but also the people emboldened by this election to commit acts of violence and hate. Now is the time to resist."

Though the protest was peaceful and participants informed law enforcement they were acting on First Amendment rights, the DC Police Department wasn't so thrilled. They deemed the demonstration "extremely dangerous and unlawful."


Thanks, Greenpeace, for taking a major stand that gave our Wednesday the resistance boost it needed. While we don't approve of unlawful or dangerous behavior, this administration's certainly blurring the lines, so we'll take a peaceful protest as a tiny victory during these harsh times. Stay safe and keep educating!


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