Check out Girl/Girl Scene's latest episode, The Flower of Carnage.
Based on the lives and loves of four young friends, this series boldly goes where no other has gone before – between the sheets and into the minds and hearts of unapologetically queer women living in middle America. But underlying the many shocking and controversial moments is an important drama exploring the intoxicating extremes of modern day life and love.
Refreshingly non-judgmental and atypical in its embrace of stereotype, with its sometimes funny, always provocative storylines, Girl/Girl Scene is a vibrant, vital and honest reflection of today’s young lesbian culture.
Created by Tucky Williams (check out Tucky's exclusive interview with SheWired!), Executive Produced by Nic Brown and Directed by Eric Butts. Starring Kate Moody, Katie Stewart, Joe Elswick, Cyndy Allen and Jackson E. Cofer. With Music by Jane Jensen and Spooky Qs.
Check out the Girl/Girl Scene website for more info!
Episode 106: The Flower of Carnage synopsis…
Evan confronts Trista about her bad behavior. Maxine devises a solution to the sex-video problem. Susan checks out the dating scene. Tyler starts to fall... but will Jessie go with her?
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