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Hillary Is Hungry for Victory in Final, Trump-Skewering SNL Debate Sketch

Hillary Is Hungry for Victory in Final, Trump-Skewering SNL Debate Sketch

Hillary Is Hungry for Victory in Final, Trump-Skewering SNL Debate Sketch

The claws - and Trump Bingo - were out at SNL's final debate showdown.


We couldn't be happier that the presidential debates have drawn to a close, but we will miss Alec Baldwin and Kate McKinnon's duking it out in Saturday Night Live's hysterical debate recreations. Since its season premiere, SNL has taken the already sketch comedy-esque debates and done its best to make them even more absurd - which is no easy feat. Recreating the final debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, the cold open called out some of Trump's most obvious and bizarre outbursts, including "Bad Hombres," "Nasty Woman," and as many combinations of the word "rip" and "babies" as you could possibly endure. It's hard to parody something that's already a dystopian nightmare circus but, thanks to Alec and especially Kate's delightfully over it Hillary, we get to laugh for a moment instead of cry. Enjoy!

Though the debate format may be in the past, we're sure Kate's still got some Emmy-worthy HRC moments up her carefully tailored pantsuit sleeves. We're with her!



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