Trump recently made openly racist and xenophobic comments regarding the people of Haiti and African Nations, asking "Why are we having all these people from shithole countries come here?"
In an arguably new low, Fox News is actually defending Trump’s statement, claiming this makes Trump more “relatable” to everyday folks.
Jesse Watters, from Fox News’ The Five said, "I think it’s either fake news or if it’s true, this is how the forgotten men and women in America talk at the bar," Jesse Watters said. "This is how Trump relates to people."
Well, openly gay CNN anchor and LGBTQ icon Andersoon Cooper gave a heartfelt response to Trump regrading the strength of the people of Haiti.
Cooper not only spent time in Haiti during the early '90s, at the beginning of his journalism career, but his team was also the first team of international journalists to arrive in Haiti following the 2010 Earthquake. Cooper stayed there for a month, reporting on the devestation that hit the country. Since then, he’s returned many times for work and vacation.
Watch Cooper choke up as he discusses the resilience, bravery, and astounding character of the people of Haiti in the video below.