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Amber Rose betrays her queer fans, women, and herself by endorsing Donald J. Trump

Donald Trump Amber Rose Instagram post
instagram @amberrose

Rose posted a photo of herself, Trump, and former First Lady Melania Trump at a fundraising event with the caption "Trump 2024."

We definitely did not have Amber Rose going alt-right on 2024 our bingo card, but here we are.

The out bisexual model formerly considered a feminist icon, has endorsed Donald Trump for president.

Rose posted a photo of herself, Trump, and former First Lady Melania Trump at a fundraising event with the caption "Trump 2024." Her followers soon after took to the comments section to express shock and outrage, including several other celebrities, many accusing Rose of betraying her feminist activism.

"Girl BYE," wrote Drag Race: All Stars season 5 winner Shea Couleé.

"Unfollow with the quickness. He is against everything I thought you stood for. Bye girl," director and producer Nathan Williams said.

DJ Cazwell, a producer and former friend of Rose's, added, “OK baby, but I don’t wanna hear you say you stand in solidarity with the LGBTQ because you don’t."

Rose has seemingly since turned off comments on the post.

Rose first began to gain prominence during her two-year relationship with rapper Kanye West, but cultivated a following years after the couple's break up when West made disparaging comments about her in a 2015 interview on radio show The Breakfast Club.

Attacking her past work as a stripper, the musician said: “If Kim had dated me when I first wanted to be with her, there wouldn't be an Amber Rose. It’s very hard for a woman to want to be with someone that’s with Amber Rose … I had to take 30 showers before I got with Kim [Kardashian]."

Rose responded to West's remarks by organizing a SlutWalk in Los Angeles to protest systemic sexual harassment and assault. The march drew from a movement of organized rallies that began in Toronto in 2011 after a police officer said that women would not be assaulted if they avoided “dressing like sluts.”

Rose spoke at the 2015 rally about her own experiences with assault and harassment, including from classmates, colleagues, and the media. Today, she's endorsed Trump, who was found liable in a civil trial for sexual abuse.

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Ryan Adamczeski

Ryan is a staff writer at the Advocate, and a graduate of New York University Tisch's Department of Dramatic Writing, with a focus in television writing and comedy. She first became a published author at the age of 15 with her YA novel 'Someone Else's Stars', and is now a member of GALECA, the LGBTQ+ society of entertainment critics. In her free time, Ryan likes watching New York Rangers hockey, listening to the Beach Boys, and practicing witchcraft.

Ryan is a staff writer at the Advocate, and a graduate of New York University Tisch's Department of Dramatic Writing, with a focus in television writing and comedy. She first became a published author at the age of 15 with her YA novel 'Someone Else's Stars', and is now a member of GALECA, the LGBTQ+ society of entertainment critics. In her free time, Ryan likes watching New York Rangers hockey, listening to the Beach Boys, and practicing witchcraft.