Big Brother UK’s current season is coming to a close, but before we find out who’s taking home the big prize, one more housemate is moving out. And fans are confident it’s one of the members of the queer love triangle that’s been tugging at viewers’ heartstrings all season.
Host AJ Odudu shocked the remaining housemates and viewers alike during Tuesday’s episode with the announcement that there would be a final departure announced ahead of Friday’s finale episode.
Viewers were asked to cast their vote as to which of the remaining six—Jordan, Henry, Matty, Yinrun, Olivia, or Noky—would get the axe. But although voting closed ahead of Wednesday’s episode, the show pulled another fast one and put the reveal off until Thursday night.
Despite that, the live stream of the house following the aftershow, Big Brother: Late & Live, seemed to give a pretty big clue as to the results, as one cast member was notably missing from the house—Matty.
The speculation seemed to be confirmed by Olivia, who referenced Matty leaving on the live feed.
There’s certainly the possibility this could be a bait-and-switch, as the show recently did when pretending to evict Jenkin, Jordan, and Tom, but actually just have them spy on the other housemates—until Jenkin and Tom actually did get evicted, anyway.
Seeing Matty leave would be a shocking end to the sometimes-grating love triangle that he wound up mixed up in this season. Jordan recently made it clear to him and Henry that he didn’t plan on having anything happen with either of them, despite flirting with both men across various episodes.
As for who might win the whole thing, viewers will have to wait until Friday to see if their fave managed to lock it down.
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