In one of the biggest stunts of the 21st century, a young Black woman named Quran duped Republicans into paying her college tuition by pretending to be a Trump supporter! Using GoFundMe, she was reportedly able to raise over $100,000!
She first tweeted under the name, "Reformed Republican."
Then she claimed that her mother was kicking her out of the house.
But here's when the TRUTH comes out:
And she even bought a new iPhone with the money!
UPDATE:In a statement to New York Magazine, Quran admitted that her GoFundMe didn't actually make the previously reported $100,000 that internet rumors were claiming she did, and that whatever money she did receive, she refunded.
"That’s the thing though: I didn’t,” she told the publication when asked how much she really made. "I just felt really weird about taking their money. This could go south really fast, I just decided to refund everyone and give their money back. I think it was like maybe $200 at that point."