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This Landmark Gay Indian Film Got Picked Up by Netflix

This Landmark Gay Indian Film Got Picked Up by Netflix

This Landmark Gay Indian Film Got Picked Up by Netflix

Grab a box of tissues before watching Evening Shadows! You're gonna need them!


Netflix is now streaming one of India's first feature-length, gay-themed films!

Evening Shadows follows the story of a young man living in rural India who is struggling to come out to his mother.

A beautiful story about family and the power of self-love, Evening Shadows had a successful run across the festival circit last year, winning 16 awards and showing at 55 festivals internationally. But it's elevation to streaminggiant Netflix is definitely going to give it a new life, and make it accessible to so many international audiences.

"Evening Shadows has been touching hearts and creating a very important bridge between LGBTQ communities and their families across the world," director Sridhar Rangayan said in a statement on Gay Star News. "We are happy to continue not only its film festival run, but also continue to explore its exhibition at mainstream platforms."

Watch Evening Shadows on Netflix, here!

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Brendan Haley