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College Student Expelled for Watching Glee?

College Student Expelled for Watching Glee?

A 23-year-old South Carolina man claims he was barred from graduating from Greenville's Bob Jones University because he was caught watching Glee off-campus.

A 23-year-old South Carolina man claims he was barred from graduating from Greenville's Bob Jones University because he was caught watching Glee off-campus.

Chris Peterman says officials at the conservative Baptist college began targeting them after he organized a group dedicated to ending sexual abuse. He was cited and given demerits for frivolous reasons like returning late to his dorm and not shaving, he claims.

Peterman believes the final straw was when a fellow student saw him watching Glee on his computer, while at a Starbucks. While TV viewing is banned on-campus, students are allowed to watch programs outside of BJU. After the Glee incident, he received enough demerits, specifically for "Insubordination/Disrespect," to be tossed off campus and denied graduation.

A school official told the local media that Peterman is not being expelled from Bob Jones because he watched Glee, though the same official said the Fox program is deemed "not appropriate" by BJU. Peterman is appealing his expulsion and fighting to receive his degree. Read more here.

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