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Sweet Homo Alabama

Sweet Homo Alabama

Stand-up comic Jen Kober finds the homo lovers in Birmingham, Alabama while on tour her Straight Up Stand Up tour with ANT and Jason Dudey. From NASCAR-hat wearing men and their wives to upstanding church goers, Birmingham came out in droves for stand-up --gay, lesbian or otherwise. Plus...ghost stories in ANT's bed and a Wafflehouse!

Life on the road can be exhausting.  Just this week I have performed in Shreveport, LA. Birmingham, AL, Denver, Colorado Springs and Columbus, OH.  It has been an endless series of shuttles, planes, trams and rental cars that has left me with a sore, achy back and a serious need for sleep.  The food is fast, the miles are many, and I love it.

The constant change is exhilarating.  I meet tons of new people every night, hang out at dive bars with college kids, and I am getting wicked good at the new Bejeweled app on my iPhone. And though I am traveling by myself these days due to economic unrest and my need to save cash for the summer – I never feel alone.  

After finishing the shoot for the new kid’s movie I’m in – I happily headed back out on the road for more of the DELICIOUS TOUR.  It has been a tour mostly filled with college shows, but last week I was performing with Jason Dudey and ANT in Birmingham, AL. at the World Famous Stardome Comedy Club.  We had all come from different corners of the country, and we were meeting up in Birmingham to do our first show in a series of bookings together. 

The show is called Straight Up Stand Up, and features each of us performing a power packed 30-minute set.  I was a bit worried about how the show would be received in Alabama.  Let’s face it – they are not known for being a haven to the homos.  I wasn’t even sure there were any gay people in Birmingham, but every night, there they were. 

We even had a big group of folks come in from a gay church.  A gay church!  In Alabama!  It was completely refreshing and exciting to see so many amazing people in the community come out and support us.  But what truly amazed me was the number of straight people there...  Men in NASCAR hats who brought their wives with teased hair out to a show, and they had no idea the lineup was gay comedians.  It was fantastic! Die hard comedy fans and sports enthusiasts filled the room.  On Saturday night there was a group of 30, all over the age of 60, who were there celebrating Earl’s retirement from the police force.  And what brought everyone together was the laughter. I was speechless.

ANT and Jason are both such great people off stage and performing with them on stage is a real honor.  These guys enjoy what they do and are really good at it to boot. We had a blast!  Late nights at The Waffle House and Jason’s constant begging to go bowling are what I remember most. 

Oh – and the night we all piled into ANT’s bed and told ghost stories – SO FUN!  We also made one hell of a showing at the Continental breakfast at the Holiday Inn Express (NOT the hotel we were staying at, we just heard they had delicious cinnamon rolls, so we crashed it!) Birmingham has made a friend in me, and I can’t wait for our triumphant return next year. 

tThe fans we made there have already posted pics on various social networks.  I’ve been poked by the church folks on Facebook, and even Earl threw a sheep at me!  Thank you, Alabama, for reminding me that straight, gay, church going, NASCAR loving and retirement CAN all go together.  You just need to laugh it up!

LGBTQ Task ForceOut / Advocate Magazine - Jonathan Groff and Wayne Brady

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Jen Kober