Love Orphan Black, but getting a little fuzzy on literally every single character that died over the past three seasons? Luckily, BBC America has got your back with this seemingly endless and increasingly hysterical video detailing every single creative casuality, from Beth Childs to "Gracie's Innocence" to so many more. Unfortunately, it also includes that somber moment when (spoilers, but literally this whole post is spoilers) Delphine met her end in a parking lot by gunshot wound, but we're still holding out hope this is all just smoke and mirrors and Delphine will eventually be back in action/Cosima's arms. Hey, half this video is comedic anyway so we might as well be optimistic! Judge for yourself right here:
Do you think Delphine is on her way back or are you Team "Gone for Good?" We'll find out in April when Orphan Black returns!