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WATCH: Katherine Heigl and Alexis Bledel Are Fiancées In Upcoming Jenny's Wedding

WATCH: Katherine Heigl and Alexis Bledel Are Fiancées In Upcoming Jenny's Wedding

WATCH: Katherine Heigl and Alexis Bledel Are Fiancées In Upcoming Jenny's Wedding

Grey's + Gilmore Girls = new cult classic?


A feel-good indie movie starring Grey's Anatomy's Katherine Heigl and Gilmore Girls' Alexis Bledel as fiancées is pretty much the stuff that fairly random dreams are made of. And yet, our dreams are somehow coming true in the form of Jenny's Wedding. This unexpectedly wonderful pairing will finally bring together two of our most cherished TV stars from beloved shows we've followed for years and years (and, like, Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, duh), in what looks like a potential new classic to add to our LGBT film collection. Katherine stars as Jenny, who hasn't come out to her family yet and surprises them by announcing her engagement to her "roommate," played by Bledel. Grace Gummer - daughter of Meryl Streep, of course - is also there being wonderful, just in case you needed more incentive to press play. It's definitely a topical moment for a film that celebrates same-sex marriage, and we'll be leaping to theaters (or at least to Video on Demand) on July 31st and August 1st respectively to celebrate Jenny's Wedding and all of its glorious casting choices.

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