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First Lesbian U.S. Marshal Sharon Lubinski Sworn In

First Lesbian U.S. Marshal Sharon Lubinski Sworn In

It was a history making moment Friday morning when Sharon Lubinski, the first openly gay U.S. marshal, was sworn in at a ceremony in Minneapolis. Sen. Amy Klobuchar recommended Lubinksi for the position in 2009. President Barack Obama then nominated the former asst. police chief for the position as a U.S. marshal and the Senate confirmed it.

It was a history making moment Friday morning when Sharon Lubinski, the first openly gay U.S. marshal, was sworn in at a ceremony in Minneapolis, according to

Sen. Amy Klobuchar recommended Lubinksi for the position in 2009. President Barack Obama then nominated the former asst. police chief for the position as a U.S. marshal and the Senate confirmed it.

Her duties as a marshal include overseeing federal courthouse security, witness protection, apprehending federal fugitives and transport of federal prisoners.


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