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Dear Gay Men, Here Are 7 Things You Can't Say to Lesbians

Dear Gay Men, Here Are 7 Things You Can't Say to Lesbians

Dear Gay Men, Here Are 7 Things You Can't Say to Lesbians

Photo: Thinkstock

I am a gay man but I've been lucky to have lesbian friends who have called me out whenever I said something ignorant. I've learned the error of my ways. Thankfully, they put me in my place, but this is for all the other men out there who need to be educated on the offensive things they say that they might not know are offensive. The GIFs will school you.

1. "You don't look like a lesbian."

2. "I think you've had enough wine."

3. "Tegan and who?"

4. "Just leave your dogs at home."

5. "Penis.”scared

6. "I don't really like Orange is the New Black.”

7. "Why don't you just hire someone to fix that?"

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Dustin Diehl

Dustin loves writing, reading, and movies, and is basically a cat lady. He's passionate about travel, but most of all, he's obsessed with a little space opera called Star Wars.

Dustin loves writing, reading, and movies, and is basically a cat lady. He's passionate about travel, but most of all, he's obsessed with a little space opera called Star Wars.