Alaska Governor Sarah Palin fanned the flames of her feud with David Letterman in an interview with the
Today Show's Matt Lauer, claiming that Letterman owes an apology to young women worldwide for the tasteless joke he made about her daughter, according to
USA Today.
"He doesn't have to apologize to me. I would like to see him to apologize to young women across the country for contributing to that thread throughout our culture that makes it seem OK to talk about ... statutory rape. It's not cool and it's not funny."
Earlier this week Letterman joked that Palin's daughter got "knocked up' by Yankee Alex Rodriguez during a trip to New York.
Hubbub ensued because Palin had been traveling with her 14-year-old daughter Willow, and not 18-year-old Bristol, who had a baby out of wedlock earlier this year.
When Lauer asked the Governor about Letterman's clarification that he was indeed talking about her of-age daughter Bristol, Palin shot back, "I would say that you and anybody else are extremely naïve to believe David Letterman's very extremely convenient excuse. ... No wonder young girls have such low self esteem when we think it's funny for a so-called comedian to make a remark like he did and think it's acceptable."
Palin went on to point out the double standard she felt occurred during her campaign for Vice President as John McCain's running mate:
"The problem is the double standard that has been applied here," she said, linking it back to the campaign when "Barack Obama said family's off limit and The Candidate Who Must Be Obeyed - everybody adhered to that and left him alone. They didn't do that on the other side of the ticket, so that's a political double standard." And as for "this kind of humor," she said, "I don't find it humorous!"