Pretty Little Liars stars Shay Mitchell (Emily), Lucy Hale (Aria), Ashley Benson (Hanna) and Troian Bellisario (Spencer) joined the show's producers, Marlene King and Oliver Goldstick, to create this “It Gets Better” video.
King and Goldstick talk about how they are not only parents, but are both out as lesbian and gay.
Mitchell recently talked to Chicago Edge about audience response to Emily, her character:
I am getting the most amazing response from girls and guys all over the world, thanks to Twitter, and it’s been unbelievable. I mean, just the response from our last episode when Emily comes out to her father…some of the comments were like, “It’s given me courage. Your father looks so tough on the show, from the military, and if Emily could do it then that’s great!”
And then a lot of them have told me that they have found an easier time coming out to their parents, just seeing that it’s not so bad, and I think that it’s amazing. And the storyline with Emily and Maya (Bianca Lawson) is so sweet. In the beginning, when you didn’t know yet if Emily was gay or straight or bi, a lot of girls were finding it very relatable because they were like, ’I don’t know. I have feelings for this girl, and I see this character on TV going through the same thing.’ So I’ve been getting a lot of very, very positive feedback from it.
Watch the Pretty Little Liars It Gets Better Video on Hulu.
If you're struggling with any of the same issues as Emily, the most important thing is to talk to someone. Check out It Gets Better or The Trevor Project for information and resources.
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