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Hilarious fake ad for JD Vance themed 'couch lube' has us CACKLING

Hilarious fake ad for JD Vance themed 'couch lube' has us CACKLING

An ad agency created a fake couch lube product to troll JD Vance
Tasha Cherkasova/Shutterstock; lev radin/Shutterstock

JD Vance is probably so mad the rumor he had sex with a couch just won't die, but we're loving it!

The whole internet has been roasting JD Vance after a rumor started that he once had sex with a couch, but now an advertising agency has taken it to a whole new level by creating a faux ad campaign for a couch lube called JD Jelly, and we haven’t stopped laughing since.

Ad agency Quality Meats created an entire campaign for their hilarious fake product, including a commercial, website, and Instagram account with the tagline “F—ck couches, not democracy.”

Playing off of the hysterical debunked rumor that Vance once going to pound town with a latex glove strategically stuffed in between two couch cushions in his memoir Hillbilly Elegy, the company also made a sensual commercial that describes the couches as having “luscious curves” and “supple fabric.”

The entire commercial is like one of those funny Saturday Night Live ads, but the best line roasts Vance not just for“alleged” sexing up a sofa but also for the dolphin porn thing. In case you’re not chronically online, one of Vance’s old tweets resurfaced in which he wrote, “Maybe the internet was a mistake,” above the headline “woman get violated by a dolphin and enjoys it.” This, of course, triggered an avalanche of memes and jokes about what Vance’s search history had to look like for him to stumble upon that article. The internet seems to have unanimously decided the answer is dolphin porn, and who are we to disagree with the masses?

The commercial states, “JD Jelly makes any couch a love seat, so you can glide right in like a lubricated dolphin.” Move over, Don Draper; we have a new advertising king!

On top of dunking on Vance (a pastime we wholeheartedly endorse!), all profits from the product go directly to the campaing to elect Kamala Harris — referred to as “a childless cat lady who actually cares about protecting the fabric of our country,” a clear reference to Vance’s ridiculous comments, in the ad. JD Jelly is already in production and is being sold on their site for $20.24, Ad Age reports.

The video commercial also leans into the Democratic Party’s new strategy of calling Republicans “weird” by saying, “We’re all better off when weirdos f—ck their couches and not our democracy.”

Basically, the entire ad campaign is a hilarious and succinct takedown of Vance and Republicans in general, and we can’t get enough.

Honestly, we hope this sofa sex joke never dies!

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Ariel Messman-Rucker

Ariel Messman-Rucker is an Oakland-born journalist who now calls the Pacific Northwest her home. When she’s not writing about politics and queer pop culture, she can be found reading, hiking, or talking about horror movies with the Zombie Grrlz Horror Podcast Network.

Ariel Messman-Rucker is an Oakland-born journalist who now calls the Pacific Northwest her home. When she’s not writing about politics and queer pop culture, she can be found reading, hiking, or talking about horror movies with the Zombie Grrlz Horror Podcast Network.